vineri, 27 mai 2011

About drawings

I'll write here without an exact order, some ideas about drawings :
-volumetric plans ( monumentality ) different degrees of volumetric spaces ( deepness, optical illusion, frontality)
-shadow and light, darkness, black opaque, pure white
-ability of this technique in relation with surface, to transform the entire surface in a living space, with a new reality
-the capacity of image area to absorb the viewer space and to give energie and vibrations
-the capacity of signs to achive a maximum of their potential tensious ( like in music when a sound give us the best of it, placed in a certain context)
-the white page is a counterpoint to energie and vigour of the dark, assert by  a clear-cut contrast
-the capacity of entire drawing to make difference between exterior space and signs space
-tactility, sensousness, spontaneous, impulsivity
-I take the informations coming at that moment like in real time composition
-monumentality versus detail
-human body versus abstract

technique: compresed charcoal on 250mg paper, dim. 210/150cm


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